Don’s Testimonial “My experience with the Hompes Method, as well as with Hompes Method Practitioner Jack Walton, was nothing short of remarkable. After years of searching for the answer to my ongoing digestive problems, I followed Jack’s advice to take a simple, at-home test. When the results of that test were sent to Jack, he…
Author Archive | Dave Hompes
Athletic performance, energy and your gut
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to work with a professional soccer player. He’s the club captain of a famous soccer club in England. Back in Jan/Feb he was really struggling with digestive problems, low energy levels and low moods. This was hardly surprising given his stool test result. If you look at the…
Organic acids testing
This is a urine test and it’s one of the most powerful and informative tests I know of in defining what’s going on with your metabolism. You just pee in clean pot first thing in the morning, pipette some urine into a test tube and send it to the lab for analysis. Depending on the…
Case Study – Lawan D
How Lawan beat 5 years of nasty symptoms in 4 months “After coming across the Jack and the Hompes program which yet I still haven’t fully finished discovering. I have made the biggest progress in my health condition and my overall health hasn’t just improved but I feel like I surpassed my health goals on…
Heavy metal testing
There’s no doubt that heavy metals affect health. This fact is shown in the literature and also through clinical experience where we see people’s health improve when these metals are detoxified. Whether heavy metals cause problems for you depends on your genetics and ability to detoxify. Some people can detoxify efficiently, where others can’t. Mercury,…
Why I hate the gluten-free diet fad
It’s sad to see that the gluten free diet has reached ‘fad’ status because it’s undermining the real dangers of gluten consumption and the true benefits of a gluten-free diet. In genetically susceptible people, gluten can trigger an autoimmune response in the gut called coeliac disease, which is a serious condition. Coeliac disease can severely…
Can vitamin D deficiency cause back pain?
Did you know that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in chronic back pain, and that it’s well documented in the scientific literature? Neither did I for a long time, but it’s true, and this short article shows you why. About a decade ago, when I worked as personal trainer, I specialized in helping people…
Case Study – Alex C
How Alex beat urinary tract problems and boosted her sex life Alex, aged 24, London. “As a Pilates Instructor setting up a new business this not only improved my personal life, but my work life as well. The knowledge and skills I picked up in the 3 months I was working with Jack are now…
How Emma beat her PMS and digestive symptoms in three months
Emma, 31, had a couple of digestive issues, mainly bloating (occasionally she said she felt gurgles in her tummy). But ever since a really severe bout of holiday food poisoning ten years earlier, Emma’s menstrual cycle had caused a lot of problems. Emma had suffered with mood swings – to the point of feeling very…