In my experience, many people show clinical signs of hypothyroidism, but their medical tests are ‘normal’. It’s often because the tests being used by doctors are inadequate and don’t provide the whole picture. This article is a really important read if you’ve been diagnosed with thyroid problems, or suspect you may be having them, Hypothyroidism,…
Archive | Lab Testing
Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA)
Hair mineral testing is very inexpensive and can be very helpful when used alongside other data. A hair test can provide information on: Nutrient mineral levels (calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and so on) The zinc to copper ratio, which is critically important for people with mood, cognitive and psychological symptoms Heavy metal excretion (lead, mercury,…
Comprehensive stool testing
At home stool testing is one of the best tests I know of for finding the underlying reasons for symptoms and it’s one of the tests that helped me overcome my symptoms in 2007. Unfortunately, medical stool testing is inadequate for a number of reasons, not least because the digestive system is largely ignored unless…
Organic acids testing
This is a urine test and it’s one of the most powerful and informative tests I know of in defining what’s going on with your metabolism. You just pee in clean pot first thing in the morning, pipette some urine into a test tube and send it to the lab for analysis. Depending on the…
Heavy metal testing
There’s no doubt that heavy metals affect health. This fact is shown in the literature and also through clinical experience where we see people’s health improve when these metals are detoxified. Whether heavy metals cause problems for you depends on your genetics and ability to detoxify. Some people can detoxify efficiently, where others can’t. Mercury,…
Why I hate the gluten-free diet fad
It’s sad to see that the gluten free diet has reached ‘fad’ status because it’s undermining the real dangers of gluten consumption and the true benefits of a gluten-free diet. In genetically susceptible people, gluten can trigger an autoimmune response in the gut called coeliac disease, which is a serious condition. Coeliac disease can severely…

Can vitamin D deficiency cause back pain?
Did you know that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in chronic back pain, and that it’s well documented in the scientific literature? Neither did I for a long time, but it’s true, and this short article shows you why. About a decade ago, when I worked as personal trainer, I specialized in helping people…

Is carpal tunnel syndrome just a vitamin deficiency?
You wouldn’t typically expect pain in your hand to be caused by a vitamin deficiency, but it is. The carpal tunnel is a structure located on the palm side of the wrist, through which blood vessels, tendons and the median nerve pass. In carpal tunnel syndrome, excess pressure in the tunnel leads to burning, tingling…

Blood test deception (part 4/4)
THANK YOU for taking the time to read the previous three posts in this series. It’s time to pull the information together using some examples and reveal how you can get your blood test assessed using functional ranges so it finally gives you some helpful information to work from! Remember that we offer a customised…