Is carpal tunnel syndrome just a vitamin deficiency?
You wouldn’t typically expect pain in your hand to be caused by a vitamin deficiency, but it is. The carpal tunnel is a structure located on the palm side of the wrist, through which blood vessels, tendons and the median nerve pass. In carpal tunnel syndrome, excess pressure in the tunnel leads to burning, tingling…
Blood test deception (part 4/4)
THANK YOU for taking the time to read the previous three posts in this series. It’s time to pull the information together using some examples and reveal how you can get your blood test assessed using functional ranges so it finally gives you some helpful information to work from! Remember that we offer a customised…
Blood test deception (part 3/4)
So far, we’ve looked at the fundamental problems of: Blood tests being very inconsistent in what they report and measure. Normal reference ranges being very wide and based on a sick population. These are incredibly important considerations when you’re told “everything is normal with your blood test” despite you feeling really unwell. Pathological versus functional…
Blood test deception (2/4)
In the previous article, we covered the inconsistency of test markers reported despite our clients requesting exactly the same blood test markers. But even when every single marker is reported, there’s an even more fundamental problem with blood test results and it’s the way they’re interpreted. Specifically, it’s the concept of a ‘normal’ range that’s…
Blood test deception (1/4)
The first major problem with blood testing – especially in the NHS here in Great Britain – is the enormous inconsistency in the specific markers that are tested. When I began analyzing complete blood count/chemistry (CBC) tests I was astonished by the number of markers omitted in my clients’ tests, so much so that…
Why I don’t recommend January detox programmes
I hope you’re having a great festive period and that all the food and drink isn’t making you feel too bloated and sluggish. At this time of year, you might be feeling a little guilty about overindulging over Christmas… heck, we all like to overindulge now and again. It’s common to want to do some…